12 April 2013

for you at work

twist to put my toe
a tap a shake me awake
my elvis pelvis my hipwork
whatever you want
is a for you to dance to
i mean be on
i mean i am off in an hour
listen to music i had
in me when a trip was all nebraska
this is morning when you
live w/ the darkness until
it is gone & dance dance dance w/ me
to astral weeks i am poem for you
i am saying it is smiles all over
a ticklish melty aerth is magma
she me's me my knees
weak to wiggle hear stick
ear to the tracks a streak
throw buffla skins on our backs
yr giggle is a leap in my lungs
i take breaths of around you
born a-gin a fire dragon
wash boise fog off the body
roll smoke into secret woods
am just sleep my hand thoughts
in to wish pool of so far away
it is lazy to be afraid of miles
or time or godless data
filling out bracket life goal me
hold my hand as we late night
street rain tap i just bubble up
into astral laser show volcano
sleeping giant in between dream
& laying next to me on a floor
in animal prints or leather oiled
our skins humid a salad hunger
a little america bison burger
it is organic what we can do
w/ our tongues on each other
still wet eyes salty seaboy
plains grass ina wind go
jump into tree branch to swing
to shout darling at dawny mtn ask
where are the waterfalls when
not on my face or your face
i am icecold is ice in atmos'
jetfrost astral swallow hot cocoa
caffienated finger tap starry
connectors buzz me w/ wordhands
lip glance from the side of my
seafoam bay skin off surf off
off coast me explode rocktop
black hill a new wasteland
to discover is all i think of
inside myself & all space &
you as a source of lighten
where am i off to how will
i rocket w/ all this living in my
bones is what is in bones
is bones is brittle my touch over
white sand i mean fragile
hands through smooth wrinkle
a leap into i am here dark magnet
you are a whisk along road
to my flight in fire hoop
sizzle a tuft my mane tug 
a color you dye from river
berries in my hands squeeze
juicy a down a cover up
in the slow inch of heat in mouth
pant to evaporate sweat
i am dogg i am longing
i am a logger i am jogging
i am a jogged memory of
who me is me which time am
i so late to be here in this desert
what is this river i float
down w/ it just goes this way
so i go & toss to the mud
or wind blow blow blows it
to leaves or smell the flower
before they leave or head
into sunset or moonset
or outerspace is a destination
because we are both under
the same everything & i
plant foot in ground to plow
my great ass of mind to dirt
a bloom a boom a shimmy
you against me a task travail
travel in to your eyes for all
my memory is ocean gleam
the warmth of distance
& return to marvel made
point to guide lost wave
take last breath too late

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