08 August 2012


i am not seeing anything
with these drugs in my blood
just fuzzy
i mean Justin is FUZZY
just stay awake for days
sun sleep summer sad
fill time with time with time to celebrate
my second hand white fur coat
kill animals w/ other hand
w/ the definition that i am animal
right now or pigsuit/shit
talk a lot
i read smokesignals i see words dancing
don't poem me
i can't handle all this cavenoise
take my silence as a yes
take my silence out of the furnace
burn nothing like a sun
where am i/you
don't fix a car for this reason
don't give your car away for hearts
and boners
and blood rushing to the center
of each tooth swoll--
bend knuckle
write me an email
about how flexible reality is
i feel empty from elsewhere
but this constant stretching
look for touch
hug my throat
pinch my tongue
bite my useless nipples
i can't fucking see the sunrise
unless i am a stumblebot
clone of my lonely eyeballs
sweaty pockets
call me
don't call me
i am cracked
i am a damn eyelid
pulled over orb after orb
after we just spin
the hell out of

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