13 May 2013


what a waste
breathe on my neck
ya i buy you wine
at this bougie fuck restaurant
ya i care abt things i dont care abt
call me when im busy and i will drop what im
doing to stand in the sunlight so u can see me 
from space
hi im drunk and an ok person
i think the ground is far too safe for me
i think i can learn to fly a flying machine
my heart
a tree that walks to a land i can live in
no this is the ocean
no this is a hurricane
i cant hide from my holding on to a silly flower
a ride in the passenger seat
a hangover 
we get breakfast at this tiny hick diner
i could be a summer morning forever
the smoke
the pass out in yr bed
shove me against the wall in here 
or outside
why is my life so without you

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