05 November 2012


loverme bright beams
electric adapters
my finger tips wrapped in foil
i am so
away way
you know you shouldn't & do
& do feel
alive or nothing
means a lot to me
every time i drink water i think
i am like paul now
or every time i write fat
i say maybe i will write fat now
i am feeling
so in love w/ food
she does
not beneath me
i keep saying i am sorry for throwing up
i keep saying i am
already in love w/
the end of this
i say she & she makes me feel
you don't have to know me
i wear a lot of make-up
i don't think it's helping
lie to me
lie abt how much i am sunshine
i feel the garden need me
i am so huge
fat sweaty i am sorry i am barfing
sing songs abt things that are not me
& title them for me for me for me
my name is just a darting darkness
lost between burning bodies
my smile is hidden
my paws & spots & cancer
are all hidden beneath wet soil
i play w/ your muddy planet
making new humans
to be my fathers father & so
i feel bleh today
i said in a song
abt how today is my last day
to feel strange
to say i move too
chugging up
fucking the sky w/ my entire body
for me it is only my eyes
that make the moon real

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