08 November 2012


cut weeds from my feet
there is no magic to counting
the listeners 
are booming storms that scare birds
other small things
i mean dinosaurs were probably 
i bet i could easily scare off a whatever thing
shake the blood from my talons
& such gravy caveman last dance 
rocks are falling out of my blood
this mess
my messy talk about nothing
killer bees are in my water
i think the rain is w them & i am drinking
not drunk off you you you
ache in my jaw
sweaty sun damp at my neckline
the quickest path to feel it all
my hideous wings & smile & godhead
go farther
rest on the side of the highway
a broken stick or shovel or heart
do not own a gun
do not go to war
i was not from here but i am from here
i would not kill the organs in me
i will not
your cage
please get the dirt off
my soil
i am lying 
about nothing
you can & will always mean 
tomorrow is also today is also my whole life
this is a dream too
this is my favorite day
i am growing now
or the poem is me

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