fuck salt
i am a mask wearing a mask of me
a green dancing scuznuttsoidofuckalucka
flame me
bury me under treasure i want to die in gold
i hate the cold
i want to lay face down on a hot stone
and melt into a secret ooze
turn my tween friends into super cool chodes
licked stamp types
sticky to hands and glass climb yo ass
like spiderman he is amazing
life is somewhat amazing when you are not dead
all the time
i feel dead a lot of the time
come find me fight the smog to pull me out of
all these coins and jewels and sweaty pile of wealth
how am i nacht a yacht owner RN
i am so out of water
which is to say i have no $$$$$$$$$bling
i have no stinger
i am just a worker or a honey sludge
gasses out the ass from my crushed hopes
and dreams
and i have these brief i love yous
that seem to be worthless
other than their use
in making me care
about living
poetry wont save me
the ocean only wants to kill me
the trees are waiting
i cant even remember the other things
this world is so i told you so
i am going outside in a couple hours
going to sweat
going to get runover by my emotions
fuck salt as it cakes on my face
my blood pillars
in a look back at all the wasted shoulders
i have shared
or neck twisted buzzing gum rub up against
my smarter than this
me a stupid fuck
an ice cube on the sun
fuck salt i guess
i dont know what i am saying
fuck salt
i am a mask wearing a mask of me
a green dancing scuznuttsoidofuckalucka
flame me
bury me under treasure i want to die in gold
i hate the cold
i want to lay face down on a hot stone
and melt into a secret ooze
turn my tween friends into super cool chodes
licked stamp types
sticky to hands and glass climb yo ass
like spiderman he is amazing
life is somewhat amazing when you are not dead
all the time
i feel dead a lot of the time
come find me fight the smog to pull me out of
all these coins and jewels and sweaty pile of wealth
how am i nacht a yacht owner RN
i am so out of water
which is to say i have no $$$$$$$$$bling
i have no stinger
i am just a worker or a honey sludge
gasses out the ass from my crushed hopes
and dreams
and i have these brief i love yous
that seem to be worthless
other than their use
in making me care
about living
poetry wont save me
the ocean only wants to kill me
the trees are waiting
i cant even remember the other things
this world is so i told you so
i am going outside in a couple hours
going to sweat
going to get runover by my emotions
fuck salt as it cakes on my face
my blood pillars
in a look back at all the wasted shoulders
i have shared
or neck twisted buzzing gum rub up against
my smarter than this
me a stupid fuck
an ice cube on the sun
fuck salt i guess
i dont know what i am saying