11 January 2013


i know i know i live alone
today i died
or leave the earth soon
denied my slide
found brass parts of me
that haven't been shined
in aeons or stomp the last few
my breath is ok i am seeing
nothing here on the moon
or where i do work
how i can find the words
to be fine w/ being fine
or the deth was old me
say sly gy in the shadow fixing
his combo killer queen i
am not ashamed of nothing
i am not trying to be a rudeboy
i think i am hotels
for the holes of blackness
inside of my calcified sponge
of a fat body i float silly
down the river tripping balls
off this wack cyd
forget me don't forvvvv
here i come
with my waving crystals
blind you midas hands can't
make these knuckles space more
kinda pricey was the problem
i am DED you don't know
how it feels to be a PARTY ANIMAL
i guess this is the fucking weekend
anyway i have
snapped my real back my squeel back
into the streets with my street machine
tearing down the distance
w/ a million miles per moment
i own nothing
i am full of holes
stomp stomp
globe trot
smoke pot
in the morning
i am cold
sold my property to the beat
stole kandy off the street
my prose growing from concrete
i am dying too
i am a roof on an average house in a hurricane
i never see where i was
because today i am a roof blown to pieces
the birds can see everthing
those people hide
i dunno
where do my snail feelings slime off to so slowly
i am a trailer born baby
you can watch me fly off into who knows
this is disaster
i am natural for finding my own failures
after i fixed them
or the end is all cluster
you're crazy
if you think i can handle your lovely
i want to lick the sun
if the sun were my shorty
every night is just a waiting
for my phantom flatland ruca
darling i am still a roof
i am still the pieces of what i have always been
sprinkled over the rest of my life i left
too soon i mean you left when i was just
enjoying something

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