02 October 2012


i am retarded

i don't puton make-up

when i say retarded
i mean like

no, i don't head a helmet

yes, all my grandparents are in ground

kiss my eyes

i am damp & illness

your definition of worthless

i have friends in places

height & depth varies only slightly

bottom of ocean

cost my life

because the human isn't built for so much pressure

i have lost a billion fish

a small number of socks in the platte river

maybe just a pair to grow

there are more

i don't know how the moon works

quit moon's day job

does a floaty death dance w/ knee jerks
that you don't notice
bc it doesn't have legs

used to take walks w/ the sun tho

likes long beaches

my technology things are afraid of me

when i am drunk

beached whale w/ man inside

i want to hold  you on a wave

i want to keep a picture of you

from the year 2000

do you remember any poem i wrote

before i stopped talking to you

& what now
& why all the decay

i cannot continue to measure my selfworth
by how long people can stand
to be in love w/ me

my aura

you don't look at one star
& say it is ugly

if i weigh more than ocean
can it still crush me

does it want to?

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