10 September 2012


yr experience is


yr cough't lung hangits on my shoulder bro

i m-b too old to understand

the internet

lift my limbs up the stairs

i old fogey

i grow fruity forests in my nostrils

can't smell the moon

can't die from a sunburn

taste the salt

or alt human

or god believes he is god

a teacher teaches what everyone already knows

words are just funny boxes

cloud is puffy

don't own it

belong to infinity

crush my crushing

send fake flowers to my living relatives

tell right hand to shake

tell left hand to dance

tell booty to dip

i guess sex is still sex right

like in the 50's

they didn't have weird 50's sex

or in my brain the blood is still the same



tombs not booms

and rhyme me into a beautiful rhyming poem

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