24 September 2012


wobble off sun knows yr rock will spin away
my legs hold up universe above me
i am frozen ocean i am cloudy city
smothered in leather of walker meatbags
clock each moment of huff puff on palm prints
drips spit on stone tablets or i read maps w/
 my chest hair soaked in lamp oil
i can be burning fuel i can start a new solar system
believe my death will not be soon i will see
dance & my mind distort apocolypse w/ Nirvana
& blam s'd shotgun blame pain on
& who's running in these toes w/ me
chasing last pockets of space
i will never eat enough molecules to keep
forgive my worthless husk i leave
i go mountain
i gooey drool past & piss & punctuation
or drown pearls in salty eyes
outlast what we create with our body
what waste
who can call my dead skin not a god
am i answers
i inhale fog off of a world
my voice changed
& i think i am man now
can you hear me crying abt it
locked in my spacesuit
catipulted towards a constant burn
as nothing as i was before
still everywhere
& is ice
dropped from void to mouth to endless summer
w/ nothing but life ahead
wax melts as light is heat is changing slime
my morphed combinations of what feels
& what needs to be fed
& stops growing
& i am a tree to reach
dressed in greenest leaves
& and i am made of what dies
& water is in me & out of me & air passes
me to no air
my hair swims like an ink cloud
& it's cold w/o you here

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