11 December 2012


i am made by suits & i burnt my tongue on Wendy's chili
i am not in love w/ the construction of my self
but i like to imagine i am a-building
i have dynamite in my beard
a stick of dynamite just went off it blew away most of my thought process
i feel bald
i feel atomic bomby being ejaculated from molten earth
on december 10th during the last year of the first Obama administration
it was cold
& i didn't light my self on fire to play baseball
but i did eat Wendy's chili & read the lyrics to "caress me down" by Sublime
i have half a blown-off rockface
i am bouldered
my chiseled brickgrin biting through the nothing
or clay
i have mud under my nails
i am not on fire again still dowsed in gasoline
god damn i love
like a dumb puppy
chug the ocean w/ my eyes bubbling
if you ask
why i am storing all life supplies in my beard
i am leaving
or just a fair warning
if i leave i will keep all the things i need in my beard
it is a good idea
to not need so many things
you couldn't walk outside
& laugh at your eventual death
w/ out a ton of dumbshit falling to the ground
i am crying & cutting onions from the planet
i have always slimed on
i have lived on this planet w/ ghostface killah
but we have never met
i saw wu-tang in Chicago but he wasn't there
it made me kind of not care
abt what is in my beard
or i have one made up of several smaller human faces
like O.D.B.'s face stretched out over time
& loss
& remember to floss your pruney brain
i still have dynamite strapped on to my insane
chase me off chain me to a spaceship
it's blasting
it's fancy the way i walk
or shrug off the gold pieces of my jolly skull
pumping lava lard in my tubes
keeps my heart nice & oily
blink incessantly out of confusion
as the sun burns from inside my eyeballs
i just imagined what it would look like to earthlings
if i was crying on the sun
or some other bigger more beautiful star
ugly star
i am spitting assloads of hot cocoa onto frozen tundra
cowabunga cowabunga cowabunga
i don't have time for eyes
& the reverse is also true
which is liquid which is ice
which is everything
& i am shouting
at void
full of billions of things i don't need
i am a blur of sound
i am all teared up
abt how easy or not easy or shit
my head was wrecked
but it is only my problem if i believe
the problem exists
it is a mumbo jumbo
it never is 
& if it is
& i asked hollywood executives if i could be made
into a BAD BOY & they did it
& it was ok
& then the hollywood executives asked me
if i wanted to be a BAD BOY II
& i said yes
i am american
i burned my mouth on fastfood chili
because it is winter
& i am doing the things a life is supposed to have
done in it
like i am breaking my back
trying to make you believe in me
i am a funny man
this is my poem for you
& it is me
& i hope i am worth something
but fuck that man i mean fuck these suits
fuck the sun
society is a fuckn joke
i want to set all comedy on fire
& laugh smoke in & out of my lungs
like i am some kinda porno
made for morons who never even
saw a good movie
& i have popcorn in my teeth
everywhere my grinning is city pigeons
that don't have time for the trash
there isn't enough trash in the world
to build the trash mtn i have always wanted
i am stoned
so oblivious to the buried
my skelly crunches easily under earth
& i go ground water skinny dipping
below the skin of a doomed place
even if i was immortal the sun would still kill me
even if it didn't want to
i think it is so messed up that i have to die
& i want to laugh about that & write poetry until i stop existing
i mean i just bust
bust seams from my suit made suit
bust out of a name & a place & all the nouns in my blood
i have silly things in my mind i have them
& i am a lazy comet
i have star stuff in my beard
& i am laughing at the galaxy that wants me back
& the back that i am breaking
or a new perfect back
that can carry the weight of my thinking
slowly letting it drip down the drain of what i am saying
what the hell am i saying
what is the point to all this wonder
meandering on a pebble
floating in black water
w/ infinity growing from my face
i have time in my beard
or i have put it there
where i found it snoozing
& i will leave it alone
& i will forget it's name but sing songs of it still
& i will eat my beard
& time
& all of you
i am the sun
i am sorry there is no stopping me now

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