05 December 2012


time waited by infinity
to bring this jagged sooncorpse
to be a sunshine for now
my ways away end is a smiling croca
doctor please pull me from the darkness
i shake bits of nowhere from fear
of who i will always be
i am a shot horse head
i am the unmendable broken leg
i am advanced science
i am immortal
i am burn slow
yr so show me darling wave light
turn on my temperature
the elements of my bath eyes
squash the peg from yr neck
i too was a bad & good as distance allows me
for child or my parent breaks past
to crumble under the weight of zero
i speak in sports or ways to make my man
be more like a decent human 
she knows me 
or yr baby grows too
i am & always will be fluid or months weather
before it is supposed to be warm forever
the sky on the moon goes to the same heaven
i mean to always a friend i can be
no matter who fathers
no matter what comes from our bodies
or who calls past a home
but fear of what is ahead
are you scared of living
are you the dawn before i wished summer to stop
creeping towards the cold alone existence
i have found
i dont know
but i am here
& then i will be there
i am small
until i become everything

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