26 February 2013


somebody stop me
i'm doing it for booty
for yellow zoot slop hand
scribble book sliding off mattress
so i can get back to this hogpen
of my real life job crap
grabbed by the money sack
for lucky charms sogged in milk
dangle sugar spunk on my neck
like glistening pearls
like the part of the baby
that was once inside of yr body
yr duplicated brain
chugs the pump
saying nice tits to every girl you touch
bc yr mother died or idk what crimes
yr life has bludgeoned yr skull w/
i want bukowski to poem into bed w/ me
& read me his poetry
& mind to mind to crazy
i am unused adderal crushed on a glass surface
take my face off
wave the flag of my ugly at nations
washed off turds
munch my mushed fruit juice for hours
my teeth flying parade candy haphazardly
into rosy slime paws of tiny adults
in jets kamikazed towards the himalayas
the closest star reflected off cold water
wrong words drip paste rolling from my globes
everyone in my family is blind
even paul's eyes are tired of working on light
& the bitter end of seeing the foul pole
wave in the wind blowing
i tried to destroy my vision
specks of grass & squinting 
because i felt weird being able to see
i am a dripping blur
a fuzzy whimperballoon boy
the lacking focus of tom cruise snowboarding in his nearly dead dreams
& he jumps off that building &
i guess you wake up
in yr second life
so happy birthday to my friends who don't miss me
who kiss the good side of my face
in the club
yr boyfriend is drunk
& stumbling into the wall
i mean i am drunk hanging from the ceiling fan
at this house party
screaming oh darling
when we are strays in foggy chicago
moaning underwater
like horny whales
like peanut teachers
wah wah
just do it
getting things done in the morning
my nibble sews a line of you
yr bacon sizzling my skilletted fatshine
haze of blue dust between sunny & night & idk
what the hell time is
i am a simpled man
i am a golden squid too or a stupid caught killer whale
dancing for ocean treats
collecting shark teeth
or i am the least of all things
a moment
kissing the cool wall of morning
love you for breakfast
my clenched gap puffing a forget
a drool of swimming leaks
all over & my beard is growing while i sleep
& while i am awake
from falling on smell of yr tired laying there
in last nights dress
in a future where penelope cruz
has been dead for over a century
& paul went to sleep or something
& it's so early in the morning
good gravy
i am an empty well of sunshine lady
a nearly 29 year old goo guy 
weeping on his friends couch
because mega rich tom cruise
is acting like a mega rich guy
who just found out his heart is broken
but at least he bought his own heaven
& send me gifts of good things in my brain
when i started poems
when i decided i liked monet for some reason
the way it seemed real when i touched a million hands
w/ my tongue lapping cool magma
out of my smouldering husk of a past life
my whole life is ahead of me
inched over my bronze shoudlers
i lava i errupt demigod to the touch i am shaking boulders
jiggling tips of my piano fingers over yr nerves
text me
just say you aren't showering
just tell me the nicest nothing for nobody
tug on my beard
slug in my drums so yr sound plants symphonies in my blood
i will hold things for you while you chop yr knives
i will wrap around your whole body in winter
take off your shoes
put yr overworked feet in my mouth
i am starving

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