07 December 2011


1. how important do you think writer's group has been in keeping you committed to writing poetry?

i dont think that it is as important in that aspect as it is in keeping me committed to transitioning my writing and the learning process of discussion.

2. who do you most want to read your poems and like them?

human beings

3. do you feel like you have a good sense of what bad poetry is like?

no not really. i like to think that if one person in the world has a reaction from your poem then you have written a good poem. i dont really believe that but i would like to.

4. do you ever feel like you're "faking it" when you write? like e.g. a note or a birthday card, like it's so easy to write something that will delight the other person, there doesn't even have to be any feeling behind it.


5. what's the thing you worry about most when you write?

"can i keep this going"

6. do you have particular goals for yourself, writingwise, like either in terms of daily writing time or writing amount or longer term projects?

no, i never plan writing. usually something just starts going through my mind and eventually i start writing a poem in my head and then i pull out my iphone 4 and tap away.

7. what do you think about grad school?

i would love the oppurtunity to go to grad school to be in the academic scene again. i miss that. i also want to teach poetry so i guess i have to sorta.

8. would you rather be funny but not poignant or poignant but not funny (but not like in the "cute" slightly derisive way that poignant is said in "how poignant," just actually poignant)?

i would rather be funny

9. i heard your photograph was once in a book called "look at this fucking hipster." i think that's pretty sweet.


10. who are your favorite poets?

raymond carver, william c williams, paul clark, jack spicer, gary snyder, franz wright, ernest hemingway, robert creeley, and reggie miller

11. have you ever written a "political poem?"

yes. i wrote a poem about a fictional brother of barack obama in 2k11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can keep it going