10 June 2008

so the other day i was riding my bike down to the office and the cement was wet from a rain. i was going pretty fast and took a turn at what i thought was a reasonable speed. the bike slid out from under me and for a moment i was sliding at an angle and realized what was happening. i stuck my left knee out to brace my fall and slid on my side. it didnt hurt quite that much but my knee was pretty sore and i was just a little stunned at first. i just thought about writing this because the area where my knee hit the ground has minor scrapes which arent a big deal but the area is still numb. im not really sure what that means. i suppose i should be more careful in life since i dont have any sort of insurance.


rachelise said...

hitting only the front brakes sudden and hard is also a recipe for disaster and unreccomended. what have you done with yourself as of late? heard from hawley yet?

justin ryan fyfe said...

i havent heard from anthony yet, or anyone else other than you so far. lately ive been spending all of my days in front of buildings and in cars.