26 June 2012


remember what you are told
say you saw the light of gobbily-gook
spurt from cirrus fibratus cumulonimbus

dog walk or job hunt job xtreme
wandering through muck floor clean
the mess of my addict love pump

you fork dig my eyes i scream
like the horse trapped in wood box
a rolly polly dead man like they say

so-and-so is rolling in so-and-so's grave
spinning madly like a pissed off top
Abraham Lincoln is rolling lolling lmao

bleak isn't unemployment or i have no
land to dig ditches in fill my shack w/
fillers mind in gutters all sit in a garage

wait for the day when you're old enough
you have your whole life ahead of you
stuff just makes it harder to fly to the moon
and so on

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