27 January 2012

cowboy shit

the sounds livin' makes is the same as death bells
or talking words through a mouth full of orange
the talkin i hear from these rap lits
pretty juicy
juice drips down my chest
i am not going
to eat
i am not going to
make you feel shitty
i will speak fruit blurbs
blip blooping blog logging
down the tallest poetry
i write poems about the giants of the NBA
i love to make love to make love to
have this stamp on my forehead that says DRAKE
tell me what you listen to
tell me you listen to me
tell me about all the poems you can write
put them on the internet
because i am eating other things
put murder in my mouth
its shit now
put a few wasted lives in my mouth
busted my teeth on
all the gold i found
wrote a letter to future me
said dear justin
i hope you are dunking now
haven't heard back yet
but i have been
working on my game
dumping out these baskets of apples
and nailing them at different heights
on the neighbors garage
slowly up to regulation
but i said
i was walking when i meant to start running
but haven't bought
my running shoes yet
i said i was out near the middle of nowhere
said i saw an apple
but i was dreaming
about this apple i saw
wondering how far it had fallen
since i couln't
see a fucking tree
and i woke up to write all this down
but all i could write was
if i repeat
what i am saying
i will never forget it

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