a branch breaks again
into another branch
named twig and twig
truncated tree thing
leaves it
for the ground to swallow
not afraid of the wind
or the death of anyone it knew,
or it moves on
grows up
any small thing becomes a smaller thing
quotes infinity
tells the body stories of immortality
death in senses
feeling the rain
feeling the rain stop
shiny city thing of concrete
moves like bait
fresh un-killed
fill the ocean with carcas chunks
make all the beautiful slant faced feeders
little hands pick through blasted planet parts
who moves mountains
the way the magma rolls
fill my bucket w shark teeth
thinking i will write several poems about this
when it's time
trace fingers through the jelly-fish
on the beach
feel the alien sting child skin
just hoping
to be part of something
the way
sand is a part of the moon
scattered space out of it
felt the sliver
in your foot
felt the window inside of your body
i am surfing silver
streaks across
the blue shiva
or colorless water as running
shed the shards out
pissing cubes of crystal
from my open mouth.
dune-sea lop the head
of mountain
of tall rocky jut
as i am forming
through the looking
sand-see the weight lifting
out of my brain cage
see-thru walls
thin as the atmosphere
cracks from my chirping
cicada singing
exoskeleton was never heavy
is gravity
just is
throw magma stones
sand-dune i am watching the shift
float each grain wave
rolling huh,
foamy ground.
my shark teeth tuned
better than my chainsaw poem
mouth as it eats
my memory
my respect for where i 'came from'
collecting my own jaw
off the beaches of nebraska
watch it move
the way my dream girl moves
sweep sea, boom
underwater, or underneath an ocean.
surfing waves
my body screams cicadas
wave as it smooths to beach
length is my longing
hold head under water until
it breathes
she is a sea lion
walking rocks
as the hurt is made
or crash
as in the noise it makes
when my body feels the weight of galaxy
for paul and the people who touch his chest
i begin to understand why i love you before my brain quits working
i dont like nicknames
but she can call me whatever she wants
she can call me paul or ira or karate as long as she leans up
and kisses me again
or is she or is she or is she
the pronouns are fucked up here
i'll say i miss ellie pegler
i'll say there are a cool million drunks in this bar
or these suitors just beg the same
i'll say i can't even say
or that i remember details of everything
the way she paused
or im running away by just being here
but i'm laying on the floor awake all night the way my dad used to do that
my ribs are broken
i think my chest brain jumped out
it's running too
my heart read this book about running
my life is almost a romcom but it's just funny
the way my nerves fuck up everything i do
like wearing socks in my boat shoes the last night i saw her
or letting it rain
but when she touched my chest
i hit the space
bar a few times
can't even say that grin or that devil or that beautiful lady
sings songs in my liver
builds mountains of poems for surfing up purposes
i never finished that short story about that room
i never finish anything
except poems
i can't even quit quitting
or begin to quit without picking up another nose candy
or blowing my chest brains out with car parts
he ran me over man
i guess thats karma
i guess i said i deserve this
but i can't sleep now i'm just sitting here writing a poem
with entourage season one playing
but it's not even playing it's just the menu
and thats what i mean
that's why i almost moved to brooklyn without thinking
because if i think
a big white jeep will crush my rib cage
if i think i'll miss small moments with a girl
if i think the universe becomes enormous
and i might forget where you are
i might not see you again for a very long time
i might start writing poems like schomburg
or think i need to be more silly
or think i need to rap more explicitly
or think 72 twitter followers aren't enough
or think these pills won't last the weekend
or drinking might actually make me sad
or you leaving and me leaving is scary
or that i love everyone who touches me
i never meant the body
in all my poems with all these bodies
i never meant it literally
i mean it
weigh my weight in body parts like math talk
and go for the heavy arms first or the other heavy arms
never said my brain would work faster than the sun moves
or faster than movies come out about the same fast movers
and crash crash like you could worry as much as i worry
or think that being awake is less of a step towards dying
and sun shows up again without the warning of smoulder smell
while you consider how many words will rhyme with spider-bite
or how many swear words you can write and erase and write
or how many birds do that thing where you can stay in the sky
the best poem in the world is written every day
when i watch tapes of early 90's eastern conference playoff games
like the knicks vs the knicks vs the knicks vs everybody else
john starks is a villian
today is the best day of his life because he isn't losing any game sevens
today is the best day of his life because he is still livin'
today john starks wrote the best poem in the world
it's called why i love every square inch of new york city
or why i love every woman that touches me
or why i love gardening
or something that has nothing to do with love
or green things like green backs, more and more of them
raising the debt roof literally
by stacking up your big men and their big green backs
until you can actually slam dunk on the moon like magic johnson
or the teeth of magic johnson
his smile holds onto the sun's energy
and cures everyone of any disease
which is the best poem in the world
until paul clark wrote the best poem in the world
until kyle crawford wrote the best poem in the world
until i wrote another love poem
until magic johnson smiled again, this time wider
which is hard to fathom.
31 July 2011
i cant clean myself the way you clean yourself
i cant ride the fair rides like you obviously want to
i will throw up down my body
or shit my diapers
i wont do heroin
no matter how many times i mess my pants
i cant feel anything
my heavy arms are dragging on the earth
i hugged paul the first time i met him
but now he just sits in his room being a babe
i gamble every day by livin'
but i guess the odds are stacked after all this stacking
my arms piled on my arms
knuckles mapped out to knuckle gaps
my clean skin covers the filth
my monster face facing the face things you have
or i say im sad all the time
or i say im in some sort of love line
my chest is a brain cage
i like to walk for infinity walking
say things like anything
or act like money is no object
but everything has a limit
even the number of hugs you can take
the number of times i will say do what you want
and it hapens to be what i was hoping you'd do
or it happens that you can actually put up with my hiding
in words and nothing and words that are nothing
what im saying is
what im saying is
written by justin ryan fyfe at 02:33 0 SHOTS
30 July 2011
facebook friend 19
man i am a fox
man i tree for the foresting
know the woman can too
know the woman is a travel
sing about the bird things
sing about how wheat sounds
like this in the air thing
or this whistling bread maker
or how my river
is a wanting
and all the washing off will not work
until the grass is unmowed
for three or so years
and all the people i miss are forgotten
written by justin ryan fyfe at 19:35 0 SHOTS
facebook friend 18
say i am spicer or baby orca
freeing the question of who the hell are
any of us
the vitamin man the carter list
like vince carter jumping over people
to score two points
its called showmanship
its called a slamma jamma
and it ends the way this poem should end
with millions of hits on you tube
written by justin ryan fyfe at 19:27 0 SHOTS
29 July 2011
weigh my weight in body parts like math talk
and go for the heavy arms first or the other heavy arms
never said my brain would work faster than the sun moves
or faster than movies come out about the same fast movers
and crash crash like you could worry as much as i worry
or think that being awake is less of a step towards dying
and sun shows up again without the warning of smoulder smell
while you consider how many words will rhyme with spider-bite
or how many swear words you can write and erase and write
or how many birds do that thing where you can stay in the sky
written by justin ryan fyfe at 17:46 0 SHOTS
28 July 2011
facebook friend 17
abandon all things in sky
fall from the ice is ice
expand on ground water
or burning churches
or your own face burning
jesus loves you they said
barack obama loves you i said
your hands holding up the sun
you dont even feel the skin cooking
only the smell is a warning
written by justin ryan fyfe at 23:53 0 SHOTS
26 July 2011
fougasse aux olives
how to keep score
watch where the knife runs
cut the cut deep
say things like infinity
keep steam in tightly sealed mouth clamps
tasting every heat wave
surf to the top of mountains
clouds and space count as tall things
you conquer
keeping everyone in last of dark falling
walking safely
where there is no noise behind you
and still nothing
but your own sounds rising
written by justin ryan fyfe at 18:30 0 SHOTS
25 July 2011
the best poem in the world is written every day
when i watch tapes of early 90's eastern conference playoff games
like the knicks vs the knicks vs the knicks vs everybody else
john starks is a villian
today is the best day of his life because he isn't losing any game sevens
today is the best day of his life because he is still livin'
today john starks wrote the best poem in the world
it's called why i love every square inch of new york city
or why i love every woman that touches me
or why i love gardening
or something that has nothing to do with love
or green things like green backs, more and more of them
raising the debt roof literally
by stacking up your big men and their big green backs
until you can actually slam dunk on the moon like magic johnson
or the teeth of magic johnson
his smile holds onto the sun's energy
and cures everyone of any disease
which is the best poem in the world
until paul clark wrote the best poem in the world
until kyle crawford wrote the best poem in the world
until i wrote another love poem
until magic johnson smiled again, this time wider
which is hard to fathom.
written by justin ryan fyfe at 17:48 0 SHOTS
when i walk through doors i think about people
gossipping about me walking through a door
how i swing, swing and the swinging
wanting a long walk home
they literally killed him
and then they revived him
i cannot speak for the hand holders
or the sweat they put up with
cannot stand standing on an escalator
though i prefer it to sitting
i was just on the slowest elevator in the universe
it was like flying slow
ok, i'll go or get going
i can see where i'll be is elsewhere
written by justin ryan fyfe at 16:19 0 SHOTS
oh hi
in a crowd any alone seems to amplify by no sound
on a highway line roads and roads and roads blur with speeding
seperate from every living thing, and wind
faster than human, or the animal moves
in outter space air is not air, but breathing
under the sun you are held to spin faster than dying
beneath night is just another time as if you keep track
even if my now is not always your now
in my hand is a waiting
in my heart is a new thing
catapulted by gravity, one moon to smile shining
or some atmosphere i forgot about until you
written by justin ryan fyfe at 14:16 0 SHOTS
22 July 2011
facebook friend 15
never give up on these greek women
or these california women
or these women
never forget that forgetting is a past time
like baseball
or forgetting how to play baseball
its not about the rules
or the diamonds
or the cleats that you wear
its about sliding face first into dirt
grass stains, spitting
and stealing things if you have to
written by justin ryan fyfe at 16:12 0 SHOTS
as it has died before the moment you're missing
and even with no proof
do the pictures still smile
would you even try to measure the star to star
is a callous
or some mangled foot thing for the walker
slowing down to a crawl
or ever was a baby boy
looking out at the lawn as a distance
or the clouds sitting there in blues
my puppet arms dangle to the faceplant
the sidewalk that wrecked my smile
the city where i loved things
like drinking whisky on the river
or almost dying all the time
compared to most people it's true
i can't swim
but i'll surf all the way to space
where i can just float
kyle poem
and what if nothing was ice, what would you be
there will never be the greenest green
it's all just another tree poem
or tooth tooth
keep whistling
or wind, wind, and the wind washing
off the high desert dust
glued to the lingering soak of nebraska
everytime you kiss them good-bye
they believe what you say about death
holding on to the last second they saw any of you
even the flat plains
facebook friend 13
what does the fog say
about the wanting to keep up with others living
how are your seeing feet these days
with all dog walking eye talkers
know me less and less as the body cools
as the aging takes highways or air
and makes it into a wall thing
or the largest pain in my ass since love
facebook friend 3
does that tiny philosopher fucking the girl you love
know how dark your eyes are
when you stare at the galaxy
it wonders how much space there is
in a man
when you can make yourself happy
let me know what thats like
write a poem for me some time
and title it for tony
i will remember you as something
but i won't promise it to be correct in any way
city poem
yes i'm not the ocean or sea calling
see me at the lava edge my magma feet dance
when the icy ice you are and i am everything
lowers room temperature or makes you sweat less
my glare reflecting off moon air
which smart nose heals this chest brain
no i'm a big city man or know this
any ant can build an eye castle for your reading
any insect can learn to die
under the crushing feet of giants
listen late at night when my westerly face falls
you can hear the exoskeletons exploding
my south speak got beat out by travel
hiding out in fielded corn crop
but i can still learn how to lie honestly
from civil war memorials
or battlefields or working in the sun
where your entire body hardens in bake
but my poet hands or boy touch
wont bruise any leg and elsewhere
and know the rain hasn't stopped falling
since the last time i saw you
my drawling walk and slow eyes
touching my fingers to your sleeping fingers
wanting to see you every morning
with your hair down and nothing else
bows and arrows
with american money i swing my candy filled pockets
at the horrible crying fits i make myself
eager for the excitement you bring to the table
ground water drowning
all the people who drown in drunk driving swims
or if i even feel anything when somebody dies
like when i day dream of my fathers dying
i could be honest or i am only truth things
but the worst thing i have ever done was staying
on the great plains
saying that i can heal my wandering chest brain
or im sorry i ever threatened to leave you
where the goddamn dust makes people
shout at moon
wondering why their bodies are shifting
wondering where their parents went when they died
saying im sorry i cant stop the birds from flying
or i dont even know how to use my body
i dont know how to say things i think i mean
my timing is off
to a bad start
my knuckle gaps to knuckles and more gaps
can i say nothing
does the wind blowing and the wind and the wind
chasing my empty stomach
or my empty hands
or full of my shoulders tough meat
chewing it for months still wont break the skin
brooklyn poem
move my arm around your no waist
waste the breath of my kiss speak
speak at you like my inner you
she as an i thing
the fix of my longing
send nude pics of my clothed nakedness
flap my arms wild
like the cowboy me
or the time that im here like a new guy
or the 99 other guys who crush my crushing
say lady i build castles for your eye reading
write poems about what you want out of me
like this standing
like this walking through the worlds earth
taking apart my arm parts
to hold you longer than time goes
or kiss you like a love goes
or going away for the no shower
telling you i dont clean up after my dying
or dying like i can see you again
or seeing you
which makes me dream
dreaming about being something
like my eyes at your eyes
like wilderness
jog long legs toward the sunned sky
follow deer thing with the most beautiful antlers
vanish into the cement by jaw to jaw
to see what i can find inside of your you
teach me how to skin a fish
teach me how to survive city winters
there is no stopping in my mind
steady breathing into the long distance
i can hide in a cave for months
surviving off the fat in my brain
my god is a demigod
a lukewarm piss i take out of my body
to wash off all the cold piss or hot piss
i got stuck on ground water
or trying to tell the entire state of Idaho
i am a fisherman from the great plains
the great fucking plains
flip the bird
at old ladies who cant drive
write a poem about perfect teeth
or fly like these gold teeth
or collect these shark teeth
sometimes i think about how im dying
and wonder how im dying like this
with my hand down my entire throat
massaging guts
with my soft hands
feeling the cement chips
embedded in my lovely wound
or my happy-scared grin the size of everything
just so you know
i am a boring universe
i am the wind, wind, and the wind blowing
i am inside of myself
i am afraid of everyone
i am in love with storming
i walk away from pain
i am the epitome of dollface
i am the river receding
i am the dirt thirsting
i am the pit of my own pitness
i am watching fireworks
i love driving cars
i am the grass, grass, and the grass growing
i am afraid of the no you
i speak to my hearts health
i am the river flooding
i am the absorbing dirt
i keep quiet in poems
i am going to die
i am the no pain
i will tell you how your glow
makes my chest become a million things
that will never exist
poem thing
i'm struggling to understand my own existence
in the poem, where there is no poem
metal wall, pressing my face against it
to feel the cold move from no skin to skin
teeth become magnetized to what should be said
in the poem, where there is no poem
and questions are mouth moves i don't understand
because my tongue parts won’t stop talking
things fall from things thinging, and scared me
in the poem, where there is no poem
then lightning, then thunder
wind, wind, and the storm forming
thoughts on the night when there is no storm
in the poem, where there is no poem
the three longest rivers on earth
the Mississippi river is long but very poor--
a road of mud that floods & worships Abraham’s god.
the Amazon river is long & full of sharp things--
spends half the year still while small birds walk across.
the Nile is a long river & goes past some pyramids
that were built by aliens several thousands of years ago.
sweater poem
i bought this sweater because i
am in love with you
it cost me 70$
& does not even keep me warm
unless i wear it
in the summer.
kind of pricey
did i tell you i haven't showered today
did i tell you how happy-scared i am
your face looking at my face
becoming a face of it
read you Christmas poems at the back bar
in one hundred degree heat
the liquor makes me sing more
makes me less of a secret
or maybe i'll chain smoke for breakfast
stand where ever you want to see me
to Chicago
a whim & the fog
rolls, i can say what the fog is. where smart cats keep breeding
w/o consequence, & then the kissing words--
knew the sun would return even when there is no sun for miles
or if it took months of walking
so on & a great distance that i can push back
behind your ear
or do i dare city rain to touch us
with house taps--
scare the dog, drops
a letter
written with small bumps only on my arm
often confused with your arms
you will read to me words like hung, & hair lip, push me
back against the wall & i
watch your mouth
then know my hand is now your hand
lost in the land of your hand parts.
hidden by limited vision, & there
people are
& then a reality filled w/ real things such as
people eat, or
can i see pictures of your ugly foot before they changed it.
walking on
hand pads for the feet to rest, i could walk like this for days
w/ you telling me, don't be so silly
my boy hands. hold—soft
maybe more of a man w/ man hands than i want to be
measured by the silence
between the air-conditioning unit click ons and offs
but you don't look where you're going
& pass the nature walk, say blind spot
Iowa rest stops
greener as temporary, as green can be for the garden or
just a damn lucky guy going for the turn-around
& walk back towards the greenless things
that we can talk about
when we talk about
or do i know what i'm doing, with it
‘i know why fog is here.’
now, you're softest when the rain hasn't stopped
& a small line can be curved into something
like the dirt of me,
mud spittle
my mouth runs hungry over your collar bone
gone from where i saw you
or is where i saw you there.
staining things on my hands
now stain the pant legs of my pants.
shower when you might come by;
i do not shower often.
the rich wet dirt you want
is under the hard dry earth.
you put this seed over here, over here
& cherries grow out of me.
fresh fruit
gobble going gets tough
where i leave my skin to skin
in the sun's weather weathered,
leather under where i sun my shaded self
selfish to hide. breeze i can find
seldom despite a shiftless center--
horizon i noticed, the trees are no trees,
but the trees are still planted
i grab you by this neck & this neck
so they tell you the neck is detachable
counting bruises oh, are we
sail upon trampled fields
of water wheat
you grow gold w/ your soiled hands
drinks & i
drink redberry-wine cold
behind trails of bison bur & Indian grass,
smelling in barberry or
may-apple maybe, we
wait for it
to get dark for
our skin to hide
wild horses draw the head off
you, razor-legs show me
skin of your bite bones
or where the fir trees grow
down to the night-time-water-body, so
i can be a romantic man
talk generic about the places of you:
the off-path covered wagon,
dirt boat
my beard dangling w/ twigs
& prairie flower.
arranged to remind you
scumming for a like soul
can i breathe your ocean air, Nebraska
cold is colder than your Nebraska.
your copper hair blondes me, gum
your plumb neck. plump my lips from the cement--
i can bite you, modern world, with my fakest face.
the slope of your back with the back hair
goads my hand to nick-it,
can you reach for me.
take away my cape.
fragile in the sense that a man is,
or why i get nerves in my belly when i see you,
a beauty.
call me for a second; call me while i am sleeping.
call me a word like darling
so my fur jumps
& the coats that warm my shaved shoulders
hide great plains from the belly i said.
more, there is an ocean under here,
you can listen
for the train coming. breathe
the air for me,
the jewel of cattle beds.
feel occupation
is what you said or to feel
as if its fur on me
and sounds like rain drops or
all these boys,
always a boy there
grabbing little marshmallow-hands
at a nip,
or things that sparkle,
singular as you
nest at the end of a bar, fully clothed
make it work,
the boy says sometime later on
as if words will do
on the slope of Nebraska
in me, Nebraska
shaped the way i see you
just waking on your front side
write you a letter
in my mind
say, i saw you once and remember it
cross the Missouri River again
i always look down
to see what is floating
every thought, you think
i could pretend
not to know what i knew of you
mist, over sand hills
where the cranes
make it back
all this silly travel,
talking about our day jobs
listening to the same sounds
your chin i think,
where the Indian caves are
20 July 2011
facebook friend 6
ask me how to pass a drug test
and i will tell you
smell the bacon smoke
mixing with all the other smoke
think about a thing like
car sex
or borrow the beds
of your best friends
remember that scotch is just scotch
after a certain point
written by justin ryan fyfe at 11:06 0 SHOTS
facebook friend 3
does that tiny philosopher fucking the girl you love
know how dark your eyes are
when you stare at the galaxy
it wonders how much space there is
in a man
when you can make yourself happy
let me know what thats like
write a poem for me some time
and title it for tony
i will remember you as something
but i won't promise it to be correct in any way
written by justin ryan fyfe at 09:10 0 SHOTS
facebook friend 2
i used to delete people like you
as if my emptiness made me less
vulnerable to missing people i don't really know
but who knows anything
fuck the haters i say
let them be in bed with you
let them remember how naked you are
written by justin ryan fyfe at 09:04 1 SHOTS
city poem
yes i'm not the ocean or sea calling
see me at the lava edge my magma feet dance
when the icy ice you are and i am everything
lowers room temperature or makes you sweat less
my glare reflecting off moon air
which smart nose heals this chest brain
no i'm a big city man or know this
any ant can build an eye castle for your reading
any insect can learn to die
under the crushing feet of giants
listen late at night when my westerly face falls
you can hear the exoskeletons exploding
written by justin ryan fyfe at 07:04 0 SHOTS
things and things, as simple
as the city makes you gravy
or what i say
as if saying things
mouth moves and throating tongue
works just fine
but the sounds i make
or the nothings i yell when i yell anything
at moon at travel
at all the distance in the universe
my voice is here
saying prairie lady
then pausing. stop
the sun from sunning
stop my singing chest brain
from making the lonely thumping sound
it makes
written by justin ryan fyfe at 00:01 0 SHOTS
19 July 2011
emits a heavy air of deadpan
written by justin ryan fyfe at 17:18 0 SHOTS
15 July 2011
get in the pool
suddenly at 70 you just melt
you ancient hill billy
plains ranger flying a dirt boat
my shouts are your melting away
wash off the dust of nebraska
find worthless gold in a heaven place
how wet is your salty mouth
how thin is your entire body
will you just disolve if i wrap myself around you
written by justin ryan fyfe at 21:13 0 SHOTS
14 July 2011
i inhale the sun and then sun and more
make my words syrup or melting sugar or tree poems
miss my friends
miss myself sometimes
forget to breathe and forget to eat and forget to sleep
air or anything was space and distance
let you know things, the worst things i've done
that i remember
what i'll eat in bed
what i buy at the store at 3am
who i'm talking to about who i want to talk to
not knowing what i'm saying when i sleep
some masculine energy or lady moon beam
shock therapy for my deluded-self
trying to pretend i am the happiest mortal alive
or that this moment
is all there is
written by justin ryan fyfe at 17:21 0 SHOTS
13 July 2011
tides poem
& if my goodnights werent late enough
& if my hellos werent soon enough
& if my goodbyes werent loud enough
the best way to say i miss you
never sounds right
but the moon is closer to me now
written by justin ryan fyfe at 19:19 0 SHOTS
12 July 2011
my south speak got beat out by travel
hiding out in fielded corn crop
but i can still learn how to lie honestly
from civil war memorials
or battlefields or working in the sun
where your entire body hardens in bake
but my poet hands or boy touch
wont bruise any leg and elsewhere
and know the rain hasn't stopped falling
since the last time i saw you
my drawling walk and slow eyes
touching my fingers to your sleeping fingers
wanting to see you every morning
with your hair down and nothing else
written by justin ryan fyfe at 23:07 0 SHOTS
by normal i mean living
i meant to write something about honesty
like i honestly don't get it
like i'm always telling the truth
because i'm not
sometimes i say things to cover up what i meant to say
i think everyone does that
or i don't know what everyone does
i only know what i do
people won't tell me how to live
maybe they'll tell me when i'm older
like when i've been dead for a million years
someone might say to me out loud
what it really means to be me
because they will know
with all that time to think about it
written by justin ryan fyfe at 13:24 0 SHOTS
i can wait for this poem to be it's being
or i can write a poem every night in my void
but i have already become too meta, or become nothing
kyle asked me what i wanted to do, and i said be in love
which isn't really what i meant but im sure he understands
my words mean absolutely nothing
it's vomit, or if i said ralphing would you understand
i said hey i like jack spicer too
but then you murdered me with your car, just ran my ass over
lets start talking about my ass
i rarely want to have sex with anyone
i have never been realistic
i used to call it making love but that was before i ever fucked
like a break up fuck, like the goddamn Bering Strait
i walk across land bridges only
wouldn't trust a man made bridge if it was built by demigod men
one day there will be no sun
it will just keep getting bigger and bigger like the bones in my face
the sun is a hole in my chest
or my lungs are filling up with water
so i suck fire down my throat, i call these blow jobs
i will hire millionaires to clean out my throat
i will hire millionaires to walk my dog
i will hire millionares to listen to me tell them sad stories
that are really just poems about how i miss my dog
this poem is exactly the same length as a poem paul wrote
unless you measure the spaces between each sound
then mine might be empty as a galaxy
written by justin ryan fyfe at 11:05 0 SHOTS
10 July 2011
bows and arrows
with american money i swing my candy filled pockets
at the horrible crying fits i make myself
eager for the excitement you bring to the table
ground water drowning
all the people who drown in drunk driving swims
or if i even feel anything when somebody dies
like when i day dream of my fathers dying
i could be honest or i am only truth things
but the worst thing i have ever done was staying
on the great plains
saying that i can heal my wandering chest brain
or im sorry i ever threatened to leave you
where the goddamn dust makes people
shout at moon
wondering why their bodies are shifting
wondering where their parents went when they died
saying im sorry i cant stop the birds from flying
or i dont even know how to use my body
i dont know how to say things i think i mean
my timing is off
to a bad start
my knuckle gaps to knuckles and more gaps
can i say nothing
does the wind blowing and the wind and the wind
chasing my empty stomach
or my empty hands
or full of my shoulders tough meat
chewing it for months still wont break the skin
written by justin ryan fyfe at 20:52 0 SHOTS
brooklyn poem
move my arm around your no waist
waste the breath of my kiss speak
speak at you like my inner you
she as an i thing
the fix of my longing
send nude pics of my clothed nakedness
flap my arms wild
like the cowboy me
or the time that im here like a new guy
or the 99 other guys who crush my crushing
say lady i build castles for your eye reading
write poems about what you want out of me
like this standing
like this walking through the worlds earth
taking apart my arm parts
to hold you longer than time goes
or kiss you like a love goes
or going away for the no shower
telling you i dont clean up after my dying
or dying like i can see you again
or seeing you
which makes me dream
dreaming about being something
like my eyes at your eyes
written by justin ryan fyfe at 01:42 0 SHOTS
07 July 2011
oh hi
why do my arms weigh as much as giant arms
carry you baby doll
say silly names like baby doll
carry over any body of water
i swim like a dog like an idiot dog
with my heavy arms sinking as they flap around
written by justin ryan fyfe at 21:28 1 SHOTS
like wilderness
jog long legs toward the sunned sky
follow deer thing with the most beautiful antlers
vanish into the cement by jaw to jaw
to see what i can find inside of your you
teach me how to skin a fish
teach me how to survive city winters
there is no stopping in my mind
steady breathing into the long distance
i can hide in a cave for months
surviving off the fat in my brain
written by justin ryan fyfe at 15:10 0 SHOTS
forget your bird feathers here flyer
fly me a moon landing, make beautiful bruises
or when idaho was the moon
new york the space ship city
i'm going to call you a darling
where the huge smiles you make can talk
looking for a hiding spot for my happy-scared eyes
to rest on any of you
challenge me to find what it takes
to scrape by for more time
like this me next to you time
like this awake and sleep time
i will tell you the worst things ive done
i will be the best idiot
i will walk face first into mountains
i will feel this way because i want to
i will kiss you again
written by justin ryan fyfe at 07:52 0 SHOTS
06 July 2011
my god is a demigod
a lukewarm piss i take out of my body
to wash off all the cold piss or hot piss
i got stuck on ground water
or trying to tell the entire state of Idaho
i am a fisherman from the great plains
the great fucking plains
flip the bird
at old ladies who cant drive
write a poem about perfect teeth
or fly like these gold teeth
or collect these shark teeth
sometimes i think about how im dying
and wonder how im dying like this
with my hand down my entire throat
massaging guts
with my soft hands
feeling the cement chips
embedded in my lovely wound
or my happy-scared grin the size of everything
written by justin ryan fyfe at 11:56 0 SHOTS
04 July 2011
just so you know
i am a boring universe
i am the wind, wind, and the wind blowing
i am inside of myself
i am afraid of everyone
i am in love with storming
i walk away from pain
i am the epitome of dollface
i am the river receding
i am the dirt thirsting
i am the pit of my own pitness
i am watching fireworks
i love driving cars
i am the grass, grass, and the grass growing
i am afraid of the no you
i speak to my hearts health
i am the river flooding
i am the absorbing dirt
i keep quiet in poems
i am going to die
i am the no pain
i will tell you how your glow
makes my chest become a million things
that will never exist
written by justin ryan fyfe at 21:04 0 SHOTS
01 July 2011
poem thing
i'm struggling to understand my own existence
in the poem, where there is no poem
metal wall, pressing my face against it
to feel the cold move from no skin to skin
teeth become magnetized to what should be said
in the poem, where there is no poem
and questions are mouth moves i don't understand
because my tongue parts won’t stop talking
things fall from things thinging, and scared me
in the poem, where there is no poem
then lightning, then thunder
wind, wind, and the storm forming
thoughts on the night when there is no storm
in the poem, where there is no poem
the three longest rivers on earth
the Mississippi river is long but very poor--
a road of mud that floods & worships Abraham’s god.
the Amazon river is long & full of sharp things--
spends half the year still while small birds walk across.
the Nile is a long river & goes past some pyramids
that were built by aliens several thousands of years ago.
mind poem
plummet comes to mind
or the inevitable rhyming of mind
my attempts to impress
with diving
and fine dining
or acting like I’m a brilliant actor
the time i said nothing instead of singing
for a king and i audition
when i could speak French in Mississippi
and beat my dad at chess
or jogging jog like a jogger does
at all hours of the night
hold me under a Canadian ocean
i will time a century by just walking it
slow like children can
because they can
with enough cat tranquilizers
to make ten cats sleep for awhile
we take our flashlights with us
to the bathroom
when we pee
not because we’re scared—
are you
a question i should have asked
before blind walking into pitched squalor
bladder full
oh this madness
we being children
we being poor
house of, etc.
my range of movement is restricted
by your shoulder in my shoulder,
i am eating this formerly frozen food
that i have recently unfrozen to eat.
the temptations of being eager for this,
& then you avoid telling people things.
naked is not necessarily an advantage
with you smiling at me and my body.
you come to a room in your own house
that you don't remember being there,
& paint it w/ colors that already were.
sweater poem
i bought this sweater because i
am in love with you
it cost me 70$
& does not even keep me warm
unless i wear it
in the summer.
kind of pricey
did i tell you i haven't showered today
did i tell you how happy-scared i am
your face looking at my face
becoming a face of it
read you Christmas poems at the back bar
in one hundred degree heat
the liquor makes me sing more
makes me less of a secret
or maybe i'll chain smoke for breakfast
stand where ever you want to see me
for Iowa
a small box the size of Iowa
but let’s not mix the gods
w/ baseball
there is no gay marriage in heaven
because there is no heaven
there is only Iowa
for heaven
stretch across a belly flat or
could i say it in a much more boring way
drive slow
so you don’t miss the largest truck stop in the world
with enough parking space for the entire state
to park
their semis
to Chicago
a whim & the fog
rolls, i can say what the fog is. where smart cats keep breeding
w/o consequence, & then the kissing words--
knew the sun would return even when there is no sun for miles
or if it took months of walking
so on & a great distance that i can push back
behind your ear
or do i dare city rain to touch us
with house taps--
scare the dog, drops
a letter
written with small bumps only on my arm
often confused with your arms
you will read to me words like hung, & hair lip, push me
back against the wall & i
watch your mouth
then know my hand is now your hand
lost in the land of your hand parts.
hidden by limited vision, & there
people are
& then a reality filled w/ real things such as
people eat, or
can i see pictures of your ugly foot before they changed it.
walking on
hand pads for the feet to rest, i could walk like this for days
w/ you telling me, don't be so silly
my boy hands. hold—soft
maybe more of a man w/ man hands than i want to be
measured by the silence
between the air-conditioning unit click ons and offs
but you don't look where you're going
& pass the nature walk, say blind spot
Iowa rest stops
greener as temporary, as green can be for the garden or
just a damn lucky guy going for the turn-around
& walk back towards the greenless things
that we can talk about
when we talk about
or do i know what i'm doing, with it
‘i know why fog is here.’
now, you're softest when the rain hasn't stopped
& a small line can be curved into something
like the dirt of me,
mud spittle
my mouth runs hungry over your collar bone
gone from where i saw you
or is where i saw you there.
staining things on my hands
now stain the pant legs of my pants.
shower when you might come by;
i do not shower often.
the rich wet dirt you want
is under the hard dry earth.
you put this seed over here, over here
& cherries grow out of me.
fresh fruit
gobble going gets tough
where i leave my skin to skin
in the sun's weather weathered,
leather under where i sun my shaded self
selfish to hide. breeze i can find
seldom despite a shiftless center--
horizon i noticed, the trees are no trees,
but the trees are still planted
i grab you by this neck & this neck
so they tell you the neck is detachable
counting bruises oh, are we
sail upon trampled fields
of water wheat
you grow gold w/ your soiled hands
drinks & i
drink redberry-wine cold
behind trails of bison bur & Indian grass,
smelling in barberry or
may-apple maybe, we
wait for it
to get dark for
our skin to hide
wild horses draw the head off
you, razor-legs show me
skin of your bite bones
or where the fir trees grow
down to the night-time-water-body, so
i can be a romantic man
talk generic about the places of you:
the off-path covered wagon,
dirt boat
my beard dangling w/ twigs
& prairie flower.
arranged to remind you
scumming for a like soul
can i breathe your ocean air, Nebraska
cold is colder than your Nebraska.
your copper hair blondes me, gum
your plumb neck. plump my lips from the cement--
i can bite you, modern world, with my fakest face.
the slope of your back with the back hair
goads my hand to nick-it,
can you reach for me.
take away my cape.
fragile in the sense that a man is,
or why i get nerves in my belly when i see you,
a beauty.
call me for a second; call me while i am sleeping.
call me a word like darling
so my fur jumps
& the coats that warm my shaved shoulders
hide great plains from the belly i said.
more, there is an ocean under here,
you can listen
for the train coming. breathe
the air for me,
the jewel of cattle beds.
does your god know i
don't exist
the dollars of your can
feed it
who doesn't collect
shark teeth on the beaches of Florida
the flattest place
on earth
even the alligator in the canal wouldn’t
my mother.
use the feet for function
all the ground being tight-rope
damp in romantic
because socks are for sandals
here, rotting wood pile
a poem about trees
tall living soulless, is
nose stubs, bent up branch
run my licked thumb over your eyebrow
girl thing
bite at the air passing between
your arm and ribcage, skinned
and jacketed
covered in water, can you
stop thinking
you are such a forest, moving
toward the moon
the top of your head breaking clouds
fish jaw
i will talk
under a mouth bone
artificial structure added
but unable to chew
through, thumbs for teeth
plucked at the joints or
cherry picker
will i talk
nice words about you and your
pretty bacteria
unseen on my swinging
knees bent in unmovable buck,
hip tall boots
grabbing at river darts
show me your true talk
over in the shallow
where the river moves slow
beard poem
the jaw angle hangs fat
do you still believe in ten
were my hands any stronger
i could hurt you easy by saying it
look up words
to say
say, the part of me that hurts is
every part
so i eat less--
heroin is nothing to me, me.
unless i want to 'come in my pants'
and i told you about this
train, i said you took
but you took absolutely
nothing from me, the haves
my dirty underwear maybe
my loneliness
or the spit
on my hands
to grip the grip tighter
to nail it
to leave my face
at home.
so you faked the sad parts, my arms
cry big boat-
load the shoulder, making turn
after turn, after
you notice my lack of ampersands
and teeth
the venom kind, kind of like
poetry is not.
sand on the cement for slip
controlled behavior
in the lost pit of Midwest territories
cabin fever'd and
name yourself log-hands
cry, and cry until your brain fizz'z
knuckle bones
mention to me more about this secret
world you got
drive after we
your phone thing walk-
talkies to my phone thing,
using phone words
hey, and um
breathing, but the shoes don't get used
or the snow works like rain on them
finding plants with names
pretend we know
i wait for your pillow to say
face, you are lovely
or i just whisper this in a poem
about the interstate hours
be dead air for awhile
pretend we know that too
hear sounds others make
bathing and washing off travel
go home
maybe, for the speed in my ankle turn
let it be anywhere
back in a small room with a smaller bed
feel occupation
is what you said or to feel
as if its fur on me
and sounds like rain drops or
all these boys,
always a boy there
grabbing little marshmallow-hands
at a nip,
or things that sparkle,
singular as you
nest at the end of a bar, fully clothed
make it work,
the boy says sometime later on
as if words will do
on the slope of Nebraska
in me, Nebraska
shaped the way i see you
just waking on your front side
write you a letter
in my mind
say, i saw you once and remember it
cross the Missouri River again
i always look down
to see what is floating
every thought, you think
i could pretend
not to know what i knew of you
mist, over sand hills
where the cranes
make it back
all this silly travel,
talking about our day jobs
listening to the same sounds
your chin i think,
where the Indian caves are
there to go
i bought you a waterbed said
it was not an ocean
but i still surf
when i was naked
you smiled
i still am
laying naked on the driveway
i wished for a window to sneak away with my smoking
or all sky
for my space travel
moons everywhere
slow walk apocalypse
holding a body—
sometimes i am an asshole
the eye’s slits
cum in the clean jeans
trapped by environment
look like a baby
whole lives
ahead of us like ground water
drown your body rubbed soft
red at the nubs or trying lungs
even with a second body,
in case there is no one tomorrow
quiet you, quit--
squint at the sun. say sun.
i’m not dancing, i'm blind,
i’m not ready for the swing--
deck me,
break all my fine china
digging a hole through earth
to china, easy does
the other side, the other
Chinese lives, where.
so the body
keeps growing
does it shit,
we wait to see--
or ass, or bottom
of a beautiful barrel, apples
slice things with knives
ask why i always carry knives
“there are a lot of stabbings
in Grand Island.”
so scary, so wounds cut,
chop noise from cat alley
the sun is increasing in size
night slowly, paw.
am i right,
can you see the dust settle
watch the echo,
bouncing space debris off
past lovers, a fuck
reflections of people you think
talk to yourself
with this new body you found
looking alone with her
wrapped around you.
forgot the words, or
only remembered poems
about falling space dust
ricocheting off some body
turning over and over in your awake
sleep, pretty when you
no, snoring is love,
no this unattractive pile is love
my love, dark as space between
another sun
dust on emptiness, you
you, and the grass growing
under the snow
the beard with all twigs
being afraid of people leaving
or wanting to
lost in a world like china,
not unlike the attractive middle of Nebraska
the arms don’t know their chest
well, imploding
she thinks it’s useless to talk to them
but still talks to them.
nature poem
laugh at the thought of my voice being sunshine
or picture me gentle
holding baby animals in my uncoarse arm ends
wearing the darkest sunglasses ever made
wishing everyone was doing that
self medicate
this isn't easy
the constant shock of shock therapy
your lake face
bright rash red scale
the picture still smiles when you go crazy
it's the water watering
the grass, grass, and the grass growing
take a look at my hands they aren't melting
they aren't fake
you can sell me your happy waves
your moon
controlling my ocean
damn tide even shaping my eyes, which way
i never knew the wind
would carry the clippings
turning brown quickly without water
hiding the lights from dimming
electrocution is not an idea forming.
that marvelous finger
he gave it
after being asked to take back comments made
on ted Williams’ contribution to the bosox
i was there he said
i was there when he gave it
but it wasn't worth a goddamn thing
if you want to win the pennant
and my poetry does
water displacement 40th attempt
melt my face to the ocean floor
with ocean lava, tell them
my father is dead almost
i love everyone who touches me
get the fucking axe for these tree poems
cut the jokes from my chop
i can zen in my pants while you grind me
meat from my knees
but i want you to know
my arms are your arms
knuckles to where there are no knuckles
or this stupid water displacement
that i keep trying
water displacement 40th attempt
my quack won't echo no matter how many times i quack
or i'm crying like a baby boy, do you see my wet face
rigid cheeks of me making a new me
trying to get rid of the person everyone sees
i swallow gum
one day my stomach will stretch into it's own baby
or i spit down my throat to dilute the blood draining
not quite a pint daily
filter the water through napkins
that i grab handfulls of at local restaurants
so i can hydrate without the fear
of what ever i should be afraid of in old pipes
i am a small thing and only getting smaller
if you can see past the dying body filling itself with insulation
and realize that the words i say
mean nothing other than what i have failed to do
coriander nipple ocean sunset.
hey girl jogger where did you get your
desire to jog
how wet is the ocean
or the small of your back
my licked eye-balls
have you ever won a free cruise
oh wait
did i see you on that free cruise
to barbados
were you that girl who wouldn't stop jogging
there is so much time to be june as a porch-swing
leave the days where the days go
where there was water
sunk the egyptians or swallowed the earth
but my mouth is wide open with words
to buzz away with its' bits
confronted by what i say i see
or the eyes, where they were forgetting space
vague shadows from sun behind moon
when your finger points to a godless sea
or a line from each knuckle
lining somewhere with no knuckles
shaking in your no boots
carry water to the ocean
increase the size of the air
ask paul how tall a celebrity is
like i wonder how tall nick cage is
or i wonder how tall yao ming is
or i wonder
she ran away
to the ocean
with all these buckets of water
and i wonder
where she gets all of this water
polluting the salt soup
killing all the fish with purity
or whatever you call it,
go tell it
on the mountain
where there are no mountains
like nebraska
or like anything in my mind
about romance, about it being all quiet
about my nerves fucking up everything i do
about hating the sex of it
thats the truth
i'm going to white out my back brain
places where i remember places
like going there
like a car crash that i remember
because i told the story so many fucking times
i'm bored of that story
and the mountains i tell it on
but here i can see
taking water from one ocean
to fill up another ocean
is stupid.
13 September 2011
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