26 May 2011


shaking in your no boots
carry water to the ocean

increase the size of the air
ask paul how tall a celebrity is

like i wonder how tall nick cage is
or i wonder how tall yao ming is
or i wonder

she ran away

to the ocean
with all these buckets of water

and i wonder
where she gets all of this water

polluting the salt soup
killing all the fish with purity

or whatever you call it,
go tell it

on the mountain
where there are no mountains

like nebraska
or like anything in my mind

about romance, about it being all quiet

about my nerves fucking up everything i do
about hating the sex of it

thats the truth
i'm going to white out my back brain

places where i remember places
like going there

like a car crash that i remember
because i told the story so many fucking times

i'm bored of that story
and the mountains i tell it on

but here i can see
taking water from one ocean

to fill up another ocean
is stupid.


PHC said...

really like this one, obv.

justin ryan fyfe said...

i really like this one too. not sure if thats obv

justin ryan fyfe said...

there are also several facebook references in here

justin ryan fyfe said...

and some moments of zen

justin ryan fyfe said...

though it ends unzen :(

justin ryan fyfe said...

its the chaos poem

PHC said...
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PHC said...


i like to lie freakishly still
when i realize there is a sky

the ocean around me keeps getting bigger and deeper and blue
tell ira what a stone should say

like i wonder what my stone should say
like i wonder how hard a stone is
and i cry

i stayed

under the sky another summer
with all these buckets of water

and i stay
in my bed

my face is very salty now
i am a well seasoned goose

however you tell people about me,
don't ever call me

by my name
there are too many

like paul
or like anyone in my mind

in my car, about

about it all being a black wall of noise

i was screaming about
about my nerves fucking up everything

about being alone
about hating ointment

the truth is
my buckets are a stack
of memory cards

they are things that feel slippery and sharp
like they burn when they pour

like a very tiny boy
because i thought he might have a gun

like every time i say anything
because i thought i might have a gun

i'm obsessed with everything
and the stars i see them in

but here i can only feel
that motion
is stupid.

justin ryan fyfe said...

Boiling fucking sailings
Sioux it