04 September 2009

pale horse

when i want him he will come
to my door,
my eye.
i will look at him with all of my hands, holy
to trust.
never forget
the face of a complete stranger
when his sword strikes me down
& burns within me.
when there is nothing left but his love,
or hell below.



the sun does not shine for lowly me
the moon is but a mirror for thee
raising tides along a darkened sea
tricking all to think there may be three


no hibernate

wind doesn’t even move
so swift
when moisture becomes wicked

it hangs thick on branches
or on the roof top shingles of homes

& at night everything lights up.

you close your eyes,
take graying images in freeze frame
while molecules of empty noise expand.

a shiver moves past you from somewhere off
while you think about sleeping,
tired from several months of digging
with your numb hands.

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