when are people going to realize that taxes are a good thing. maybe when the government starts using them with intelligence i guess. spending billions of dollars on national defense when people dont have jobs or health care or a proper education is pretty smart.
or maybe bailing out failing companies or putting billions of dollars into the auto industry so people can buy new cars and tell people to put it on credit when that is what got us here in the first place. i'm sorry but i trust myself with my money more than i do the government. they need to show me the money they're taking now before i would be alright with them raising taxes for health care or anything else.
jordan, to be honest you didnt disagree with anything i said. and there were no taxes that were raised in order to bail out the auto industry, it was just fake money that the government says it has. why would a company in a government need money from that government when it could only owe money to that government? money isnt real, debt isnt real, capitalism is a fraud.
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